all that jazz

james' blog about scala and all that jazz

The Noop Monad - doing nothing safely

If you’re a fan of functional programming, as I am, you’ll know that one of the great things about it is how useful it is. But that isn’t the only great thing about functional programming, functional programming is also great for when you want to do nothing at all. Some might even say that doing nothing at all is where functional programming really shines.

So today I’m going to introduce a monad that surprisingly isn’t talked about a lot - the noop monad. The noop monad does nothing at all, but unlike noops in other programming paradigms, the noop monad does nothing safely.

§A demo

For this demonstration, I’m going to use Scala, with Scalaz to implement the monad. Let’s start off with the Noop type:

 * A noop of type T
sealed trait Noop[T] {

   * Run the noop
  def run: Unit

As you can see, the Noop type has a type parameter, so we can do nothing of various types. We can also see the run function, and it returns Unit. Now typically in functional programming, returning Unit is considered a bad thing, because Unit is not a value, so any pure function that returns Unit must have done nothing. But since Noop actually does do nothing, this is the one exception to that rule. So the run function can be evaluated to do the nothing of the type that this particular Noop does.

Now, let’s say I have method that calculates all the primes up to a given number. Here’s its signature:

def calculatePrimes(upTo: Int): List[Int]

And let’s say I want to get a list of all the Int primes, I can use the above method like so:


But wait, you say! That code is going to be very expensive to run, it’s likely to take a very, very long time, and you have better things to do. So, you want to ensure that the code doesn’t run. This is where the noop monad comes on the scene, using the point method, you can ensure that it safely doesn’t run:

val noopAllIntPrimes = calculatePrimes(Int.MaxValue).point[Noop]

And then, when you actually don’t want to run it, you can do that by evaluating the run function:

For those unfamiliar with scalaz and functional programming, a monad is an applicative, and an applicative is something that lets you create an instance of the applicative from a value. The method on Applicative for doing this is called point, in other languages it’s also called pure.

So, we can see that Noop is an applicative, but can we flatMap it? What if you don’t want to sum all those prime numbers, and then you certainly don’t want to convert that result to a String? The noop monad lets you do that:

val summedPrimesString = for {
  primes <- noopAllIntPrimes
  summed <- primes.reduce(_ + _).point[Noop]
  asString <- summed.toString.point[Noop]
} yield asString

And so then to ensure that we don’t actually do all this expensive computation, we can run it as before:


We can see how the noop monad can be used to do nothing, but what are the advantages of using the noop monad compared to some other methods of doing nothing? I’m going to highlight three advantages that I think really demonstrate the value of doing nothing in a monadic way.

§Runtime optimisation

This is often an advantage of functional programming in general, but the noop monad is the exemplar of optimization in functional programming. Let’s have a look at the implementation of the noop monads point method:

def point[A](a: => A): Noop[A] = Noop[A]

Here we can see that not only is the passed in value not evaluated, it’s not even referenced in the returned Noop. But how can the noop monad do this? Since the noop monad knows that you don’t want to do anything at all, it is able to infer that therefore it will not need to evaluate the value, and therefore it doesn’t need to hold a reference to the passed in value. But this advanced optimisation doesn’t stop there, let’s have a look at the implementation of bind:

def bind[A, B](fa: Noop[A])(f: A => Noop[B]): Noop[B] = Noop[B]

Here we can see a double optimisation. First, the passed in Noop is not referenced. The noop monad can do this because it infers that since you don’t want to do anything, you don’t need the nothing that you passed in. Secondly, the passed in bind function is never evaluated. As with the other parameter, the noop monad can infer that since the passed in Noop does nothing, there will be nothing to pass to the passed in function, and therefore, the function will never be evaluated.

As you can see, particularly for performance minded developers, the noop monad is incredibly powerful in its ability to optimise your code at runtime to do as little of nothing as possible.

§Code optimisation

But performance isn’t the only place that the noop monad can help with optimisation, the noop monad can also help at optimising your code to ensure it is as simple and concise as possible.

Let’s take our previous example of summing primes:

(for {
  primes <- calculatePrimes(Int.MaxValue).point[Noop]
  summed <- primes.reduce(_ + _).point[Noop]
  asString <- summed.toString.point[Noop]
} yield asString).run

Now, this isn’t bad looking code, but it does feel a little too complex when all we wanted to do in the first place was nothing. So how can we simplify it? Well firstly, you’ll notice that we don’t want to convert the summed result to a string, you can tell this by the .point[Noop] after it. Based on the rules of the noop monad, we can optimise our code to remove this:

(for {
  primes <- calculatePrimes(Int.MaxValue).point[Noop]
  summed <- primes.reduce(_ + _).point[Noop]
} yield summed).run

Is this safe to do? In fact it is, because we have actually replaced our intention of doing nothing, with nothing. We can do the same for summing all the primes:

(for {
  primes <- calculatePrimes(Int.MaxValue).point[Noop]
} yield primes).run

Now the final step in code optimisation, and this is the hardest to follow so bear with me, we can actually remove the not calculating the primes itself, and simultaneously remove the run function on that Noop. But how is this so? You may remember that I explained earlier if a pure function returns Unit, then it must do nothing. Our is a pure function, and it does nothing. So since evaluating run does nothing, we can safely replace it with nothing. Finding it hard to follow? This is what it looks like in code:

As you can see, we’ve gone from five reasonably complex lines of code, to absolutely no code at all! This is the embodiment of what Dijkstra meant when he said:

If we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as “lines produced” but as “lines spent”.

The noop monad has allowed us to spend zero lines of code in doing nothing.

§Teaching monads

Teaching monads has proven to be the unicorn of evangelising functional programming, no matter how hard anyone tries, no one seems to be able to teach them to a newcomer. The noop monad solves this by grounding monads in a context that all students can relate to - doing nothing.

In particular, the noop monad does a great job for picking up the pieces of a failed attempt to teach a student monads. For example, consider the following situations:

  • A student has been told that monads are just monoids in the category of endofunctors. What does that even mean? But if I say the noop monoid in the category of endofunctors is just something that does nothing, simple!
  • A student has been told that monads are burritos. What does that even mean? But if I say the noop burrito is just something that does nothing, simple!


So today I’ve introduced you to the noop monad. As you can see, it’s in the noop monad that functional programming is made complete, fullfilling everything that every functional programmer has ever wanted to do, that is, nothing at all.

What is wrong with Monads?

Nothing is wrong with Monads. What is wrong is how people communicate them.

There are people out there that learn abstract concepts first, and then work out how to apply them to solving their every day problems. Then there are people that learn how to solve their every day problems, and then they can understand how these solutions can be generalised into abstract concepts for solving problems. I am firmly in the second camp, explain an abstract concept to me that I've never come across before, and it'll go in one ear and out the other. Explain a solution to a problem that I have at hand, and I'll understand. Tell me that the solution can be generalised into an abstract concept, and you won't need to tell me anything more about that abstract concept, I'll understand it immediately.

I envy the people that can understand the abstract concepts first before applying them to real problems. I really wish I had that ability. But I don't. And I don't think I'm alone. I suspect many, maybe even most developers learn the same way that I do.

So this is the problem with monads, the problem is too abstract. I tried to read up about monads quite a number of times, and I always got stuck. I even read about "burritos" and "semicolons", these simplifications just made me more confused. None of the stuff I was reading made any sense to me.

Then one day I started using Play 2. Play 2 is an asynchronous web framework. It heavily uses futures as a means to implement asynchronous code. I had been writing some asynchronous code for a while before I had started using Play 2, and I knew how painful it could be. When I saw futures in Play, it solved a problem that I had perfectly. The ability to return a result that could then be mapped/flatMapped was exactly what I needed.

I was so excited about this new discovery that I prepared and gave a presentation on Play's futures at the Berlin Play User Group. I put forward a real world problem, and explained how Future, map and flatMap could solve it. I got great feedback from everyone at the user group, it really helped a lot of people to understand asynchronous programming and futures. At that point, I still had no idea what a monad was, yet somehow I was teaching others about monads.

A while later I was at the Berlin Play User Group again, and a conversation about monads came up. I admitted to everyone there that I didn't know what a monad was. Someone looked at me funny, and said "it's basically just flatMap". Suddenly it all made sense to me. I went back and read the same papers and blog posts that I had tried to read before, and they all made perfect sense, I now had no problems understanding monads.

So why didn't I understand monads before that? What was missing was an explanation that was given within the context of a concrete problem that I could relate to. Why was it missing? Because monads are simply too abstract. Each specific different monad solves a different concrete problem. The option monad solves a problem involving values that might not exist. The future monad solves a problem involving values that don't exist yet. The sequence monad solves a problem involving a sequence of values. And so on. To explain the general concept of monads, you need to abstract it away from any of the specific concrete problems that each monad solves, into a general abstract problem. And so if, to explain monads, you start with monads, you are at an abstraction level that is twice removed from real world problems. That means if you try to explain them starting with the abstract concepts to someone such as myself, at best you'll just make my head explode.

This is why I say, if you want to explain monads to a developer who is anything like me, don't start with monads. Don't even use the word monad, the moment you do that you are throwing down a concrete wall in front of them 30 foot high that they will not be able to climb. Start with a real world problem - asynchronous programming with futures is an excellent one, and talk about how to solve that. Then maybe later talk about monads. But by that stage, does it matter if they know what a monad is? They've learnt the concepts already, probably well enough to give a presentation at a user group about them.


Hi! My name is James Roper, and I am a software developer with a particular interest in open source development and trying new things. I program in Scala, Java, Go, PHP, Python and Javascript, and I work for Lightbend as the architect of Kalix. I also have a full life outside the world of IT, enjoy playing a variety of musical instruments and sports, and currently I live in Canberra.