all that jazz

james' blog about scala and all that jazz

Facebook OpenID integration in Pebble

I've taken a shot at implementing Facebook OpenID integration into Pebble. To see the results, at the bottom of this page, click "Add Comment", and then click the Facebook Login link.

Implementing this has been pretty simple. All the magic happens on the client side, at no point does Pebble make a request on Facebook, and the user is, as far as Pebble is concerned on the server side, never authenticated or trusted in any way. All this integration does is puts the users name, profile picture and profile link in the author, avatar and website fields of the Pebble comment form.

The bulk of the work has been in modifying pebble to handle profile pictures with comments, and adding a plugin point for this type of plugin. What follows is a quick tutorial of how to implement a similar OpenID authentication on your site.

1. Create an application on Facebook

Facebook provides some simple instructions on how to do this here. You will need to create a new application for every different website that you want to integrate with, as Facebook will validate the base URL that it forwards to.

2. Add the login button to your page

There are a number of ways to do this, but the simplest way is to use the Facebook Markup Language (FML). In the next step we'll configure Facebook to render FML tags, for now, the only thing you need to do is put the following code where you want the login button to appear:


3. Initialise the Facebook API

The Facebook client side libraries require that they be initialised. This is also the stage where Facebook will render any FML tags you've included in the page. Initialising the Facebook client side API is best done at the bottom of the page, so that it doesn't slow down the loading of the rest of the page. At this stage you'll need the Facebook application ID from the application you created in step one:

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script src=""></script>
    FB.init({appId: "YOUAPPIDHERE", status: false, cookie: true, xfbml: true});

4. Write a function to handle a logged in user

This is where we do most of the work. The Facebook javascript API provides an event library, and we can use this to update our page with the users details after they log in to Facebook. This event will only fire when the user logs in or logs out, if a user comes back to your site, and they are already logged in, the event won't fire, even if they click log in, hence we also need to check if the user is already logged in when the page loads. So we're going to write a function that will handle both of these situations. The function accepts a Facebook response object, and checks if the response has a session. This indicates that the user is logged in. If they are logged in, we make a call on the /me resource of the Facebook Graph API, which will return the users name, link to their profile, and other things. This function can go anywhere in your code, preferably in a Javascript file along with the rest of your scripts:

  function updateFacebookCommentAuthor(response) {
    if (response.session) {
      FB.api("/me", function(response) {
        var avatar = "" + + "/picture?type=square";
        document.forms["commentForm"].elements["author"].value =;
        document.forms["commentForm"].elements["website"].value =;
        document.forms["commentForm"].elements["avatar"].value = avatar;

5. Subscribe to login events

Lastly, we want the above function to be called when a page loads if the user is already logged in, and if a user logs in clicking the login function. This can either be done at the bottom of the page after the Facebook API is initialised, or it can be done in in the window on load event. Pebble uses prototype, so I bind it to the window on load event using that:

  Event.observe(window, "load", function() {
    FB.Event.subscribe("auth.sessionChange", updateFacebookCommentAuthor);

This is all you need for basic OpenID authentication using Facebook. Of course, you might want to, instead of just populating the form, actually render the username and profile picture in the page, as has been done in Pebble. Another thing you may want to provide is the ability for the user to log out, in case they are using someone else's computer and that person is logged in.

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Hi! My name is James Roper, and I am a software developer with a particular interest in open source development and trying new things. I program in Scala, Java, Go, PHP, Python and Javascript, and I work for Lightbend as the architect of Kalix. I also have a full life outside the world of IT, enjoy playing a variety of musical instruments and sports, and currently I live in Canberra.